Custom Resolution Utility


Changes in Version 1.5.2:

  • Enhanced support for up to 7 extension blocks.
  • NVIDIA now compatible with reading all extension blocks.
  • Detailed resolutions:
    • Added 480p/480i/525p/525i to “Automatic CRT” settings.
    • Fixed interlaced resolutions in “Exact” and “Exact reduced” modes.
    • Introduced “Exact CRT” timing option.
    • Included “Vertical total calculator” timing option.
  • Audio formats expanded to include “Auro-Cx” and “MPEG-D USAC” from CTA-861.6.
  • Colorimetry updated with “sRGB” and “Default RGB” from CTA-861.6.

Changes in Version 1.5.1:

  • Added new audio formats from CTA-861-G/H.
  • Updated Colorimetry with ICtCp from CTA-861-H.
  • Fixed DisplayID 2.0 issue resetting to 6 Hz with “Reset” button.
  • Tiled display topology enhanced to accommodate OUIs (2.0) and non-letter IDs (1.3).
  • Improved UI: List boxes now retain scroll position after editing.

Changes in Version 1.5:

  • Added DisplayPort YCbCr color formats and maximum color depth.
  • Integrated HDMI 2.1 features: maximum FRL rate, variable refresh rate, and display stream compression.
  • Refined timing options for detailed resolutions:
    • Split “LCD standard” into “Automatic (PC)” and “Automatic (HDTV)”.
    • Introduced “Native (PC)” and “Native (HDTV)” options.
    • Eliminated “LCD reduced”; replaced with “Exact reduced”.
    • Updated “CRT standard” to “Automatic (CRT)” with VESA DMT resolutions.
  • Enhanced frequency calculations for all pixel clocks in Detailed resolutions.
  • Transitioned CEA-861 extension blocks to CTA-861 to align with standard’s new name.
  • Added support for DisplayID 2.0 extension blocks.
  • Improved export functionality to save original unmodified EDID when no changes are made.

Changes in Version 1.4.2:

  • Included inactive displays with installed overrides in listing.
  • Display properties now interpret “0” ID serial number as blank.
  • Refined “LCD reduced” to prevent going below 56 horizontal blanking.
  • Aligned interlaced calculations in DisplayID detailed resolutions.
  • Enhanced HDMI 2.0 support by enabling “SCDC present” by default.
  • Introduced .csv file export for comma-separated hexadecimal values.
  • Introduced .exe file export for self-contained EDID override installers.
  • Updated restart.exe/restart64.exe for faster restarts and added recovery options.

Changes in Version 1.4.1:

  • Expanded speaker setup with new options from CTA-861-G.
  • Fixed HDMI support for undefined latency data saving as 2 ms.
  • Preserved additional fields for HDMI 2.1 in HDMI 2.0 support.
  • Added editing support for FreeSync 2 ranges.
  • Introduced support for HDR static metadata blocks.

Changes in Version 1.4:

  • Added support for DisplayID extension blocks including “Type I” detailed resolutions and tiled display topology data.
  • Enhanced display properties with support for ID serial number in EDID header.
  • Updated timing options with “Automatic – Old standard” for GTF.
  • Expanded TV resolutions with new options from CTA-861-G.
  • Added DCI-P3 standard in Colorimetry from CTA-861-G.

Changes in Version 1.3.1:

  • Fixed .inf export for compatibility with Windows 10 Creators Update.
  • Aligned Detailed resolutions for 3840×2160 @ 60 Hz with “LCD standard”.
  • Enabled 0 back porch option in Detailed resolutions.
  • Improved UI spacing with higher DPI settings.

Changes in Version 1.3:

  • Added support for reading extension blocks from connected monitors (AMD/ATI and NVIDIA).
  • Introduced automatic addition of blank extension block in registry and .inf files for NVIDIA driver compatibility.
  • Supported multiple extension blocks and various types of import.
  • Updated default TMDS clock for new HDMI data blocks.
  • Added support for HDMI 2.0 and HDMI FreeSync data blocks.
  • Expanded colorimetry with BT.2020 formats.

Changes in Version 1.2.6:

  • Fixed bug affecting non-PnP monitors since 1.2.3.

Changes in Version 1.2.5:

  • Enhanced range limits for FreeSync monitors.

Changes in Version 1.2.4:

  • Further improvements to range limits for FreeSync monitors.

Changes in Version 1.2.3:

  • Added basic support for range limits and serial number descriptors.
  • Displayed included descriptors in the detailed resolution list.
  • Introduced “Import complete EDID” option.

Changes in Version 1.2.2:

  • Added “LCD reduced” timing parameters for 2560×1440 @ 144 Hz and higher resolutions.
  • Extended support for colorimetry and video capability data blocks in extension block.

Changes in Version 1.2.1:

  • Introduced “LCD native” option in detailed resolutions.
  • Supported 4:2:0 resolutions in TV resolutions.
  • Enhanced HDMI support for resolutions, latency, and content types.

Changes in Version 1.2:

  • Added custom extension block editing.
  • Expanded support for more than 8 standard resolutions (AMD/ATI only).
  • Updated reset-all.exe for resetting Windows resolution settings.
  • Introduced new versions of restart.exe/restart64.exe.

Changes in Version 1.1.2:

  • Fixed HDMI audio issues with older ATI GPUs.

Changes in Version 1.1.1:

  • Fixed compatibility issues with monitors having invalid signal type information (AMD/ATI GPUs).
  • Updated “LCD standard” timing parameters for 3840×2160 @ 30 Hz and 1366×768 @ 60 Hz.

Changes in Version 1.1:

  • Introduced extension block import from files.
  • Automatic detection of likely native resolution.
  • Enhanced UI interaction when deleting monitors.

Changes in Version 1.0.1:

  • Fixed .inf export issues.
  • Added support for non-PnP monitors.
  • Improved monitor list sorting.

These revisions aim to clarify technical updates and improvements in each version release.

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